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KNOT. is a proudly South African company, inspired by a passion and appreciation for hand-crafted artisan macramé designs. We believe that every macramé design should be made with a purpose to last forever.

KNOT. has the objective to ensure every design is appreciated, luxuriously customised and uniquely refreshing, based on individual styles and preferences. The KNOT. macramé range has been elegantly hand-crafted to ensure only the highest quality to assign uniqueness to each carefully knotted design.

Last but KNOT. least, every KNOT. macramé design entails selecting only the highest quality cotton fabric threads, carefully and delicately woven and hand-crafted to perfection to decorate and enhance your home.

Why KNOT.? Because no two hand-crafted items are alike.

Be you. Be-autiful. Be in touch.

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